Sunday 9 December 2012


Right so...I cant wait till Christmas lots of present and fun love it loads xx wrapping presesnts in brown paper with ribbon is so vintage! x

Sunday 2 December 2012

TIP #27

Right so...If you really like someone but they don't notice you and well don't reply then maybe its time you should go for someone else, if they don't want to talk to you that's their loss :) Maybe its because your not friends yet! try that and if not then its plan B xx

Ciao x

Me and Ellie...

Hobby Craft

Right so...I am going to hobbycraft soon because i am making hats in textiles mine is going to be so cute cant wait to start!!! yesterday me, Ellie, Jess, Jawad, Alfy and David went to see twilight part 2 it was a really good film and laughed at some parts. Overall good weekend and I'm going to bake some cupcakes today because #YOLO <<< ahah jokes! naaa I'm bored so that's what I'm going to do :O HELL YEAH!

Ciao x