Aloha! Welcome to my blog its all about enjoying life, Photography and fashion ENJOY! x
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Right may think you can trust someone or you think that they are one of the most important people in the world but just remeber, they have secrets to and dont tell you what they are even though you are close it can be family, friends, boyfriends or girlfriends but at the end of the day they probably care about another person more than you as the qoute says "love your neighbour as you love yourself" if they have a more impotant person in thier life then so do YOU and itds not them...
Thursday, 27 September 2012
Right so...mum is having a bad day so is taking it out on me great...i havent done anything wrong but i try to help and doesnt work. thanks so much
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
TIP #17
Right so...always be confident in yourself if you believe you can achieve x some greatest discoveries were by accident but that's because they believed that they would be able to accomplish this very special achievement
Right and ellie have a youtube account please could you subscribe that would mean sooooo much thanks xxx
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Right and ellie decided to go to the park because trampolining was cancelled -_- but we had a great time but the bucket swing was gone!?!?! such fun and there was another dolphin contraption...HELL YEAAH!!
Monday, 24 September 2012
Yeh good one..
Right so....people like this piss me off because they are a slut as well... and they are slapping on makeup
make yourself look like a complete slut good one
^^ actual quote because its c and p x
Vintage..In your life
Right so...sometimes we all need a bit of vintage in our lives so that we can live a life with many different ideas like some days you can just have a thought were you want to be all arty and creative and some were you feel like being such a weirdo!!! and with vintage in your life you can be calm and relax as the photography is amazing so go on VIN up your style! (yes i made that from vimp to vin because its a shorter...oh you know what i mean!!!) my point is you don't have to stick with one idea of how to live your life you can have many and it can be more adventurous x WOW I'm deep! ahahahaha HELL YEAH
TIP #16
Right girls try to picture the prince charming in our lives who is tall and handsome the time will come when you fall in love and not when you turn a guy into being what you want because along your journey of love you will find him and sometimes he isn't what you expected but he is even better x
Right so...add a tad of glitter to your life so you an always feel like a fairy x (got this idea from my ellie wellie xx)
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Right so...ellie wellie is my bffuwgebad! ( best friend forever unless we get eaten by a dinosaur x ) we are planning to do the best sleepover here is a collage of the things we need to do/make there is about 28 things on there!!soo hyped up!!! x this is what a true friend is
Love is it real?
Right so...when you feel like your in love put a heart in a jar and see how many hearts are there after a month...say to yourself am i really in love? then you will have to pick just that special heart which you feel is the most important xxx
Friday, 21 September 2012
Right so...i just eat a whole bag of prawn crackers WTF is wrong with me! But they are lush HELL YEAH!!
Thursday, 20 September 2012
TIP #14
Right so...keep an open mind you never know when your going to need a sprinkle of imagination x
Right so...i look at thus picture as a girl trying to change because her style is different than others but tbh girls dont try to be someone else just because you wanna be popular it doesnt matter, if you have real friends who accept you as you are then you have no problem identity is the most important thing in life so dont change it! xx
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Right so...remember when we could go on these when we were a kid? well i do and they were amazing just constantly going on them...i miss being a kid but would still go on them now!! HELL YEAH!!
Right so...went to the park with Jessie Marie Wall
for a jog and this boy asks me out for real!! and wants to meet up with
me tomorrow but i dont wanna even though he is in yr8 and also in
wildern so ill see him at school (great) he keeps texting me and thinks
we are going out when i havent said yes or no! but im going to say no
and he says he loves me....OH DEAR awks and this is in on night!!! xxx Nicole Mo knows all about it x
Not so coolio more like schoolio
Right so...I'm of to school now and wont be blogging till we get back so just saying and we have school photos today as well as P.E!!! seriously school!? hair is nice ATM but not for long...
TIP #13
Right life think about tomorrow and not about yesterday its the future that counts not the past x
TIP #12
Right so...girls don't be sluts and slap on makeup just be more mature especially for boys! if he doesn't like you for your natural beauty then he isn't a real man x
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
True Friends
Right know you have a true friend when they can forgive like that and that we can joke around and have soooo much stuff in common xx I LOVE MY ELLIE WELLIE!!!
TIP #11
Right know when people put something like this >> find the "O" and you will be kissed QQQQQQQOQQQQQQQ<< well ignore them they wont work ever heard of free will? it will happen when it happens! you cant force love sorry to break the news x :(
TIP #10
Right so...don't try to be another person if your not happy with yourself just vimp up your style a bit or try to be a better you x don't try to be a new person it wont work and wont last trust me! xxx
Right so...This proves that you don't have to look up of how to be a teen or even how to be yourself you already know so "Don't follow the crowd" be individual!
Monday, 17 September 2012
Hot Air Balloons
Right so...i love hot air balloons and watching them soar through the sky and waking up in the moring early to see the sunrise its just another beauty of nature
Right is like a butterfly elegant and beautiful this picture says it all and i think sometimes you need a bit of music to make you feel happy
TIP #9
Right so...Love with the heart not the eyes looks arent everything its mainly the personality..
TIP #8
Right so...when your feeling down most people get more upset because they cant comfort themselves, but if you can try to do that then I'm sure life we be easier if you be your own friend (if you know what i mean) or maybe go to a friend who really understands you like a bestie but no-one understands you, like you and thats why comforting yourself works so go on try it x
TIP #7
right know the quote "when life gives you lemons make lemonade" well im sure you know what its about but i'm just say this for a tip, make the most of what you have and it will surely be beautiful
We All Have Secrets
right so...this is true sometimes you can read us like an open book or sometimes you try to keep it closed forever, either way we all have secrets..
school yet fun!
right so...i'm going to school now (yawn) but after that me and ellie have trampolining which is going to be...interesting cant wait so see you soon HELL YEAAAH! xx
my edit x
right so...i took this photo with camera (duh) made it look coolio and wallah!!! i LOVE it!!! looks so professional ahahaha what do you think?
the park x
right so..i was at the park with my friend ellie and the whole thing has changed? but there was a cool rocking thing so i was like HELL YEAAAAAH!!
right! i need a catch phrase and i think it is going to be "how you doing my mushy lolipops?" JOKES!! it might be "hiya i know no body got time for this but...!" ill try it out and see x
TIP #6
If you love someone don't constantly talk to them as you think they will get to know you better, just take steps say hi once in a while and sometimes start a convo he needs to be a friend first if you want it to work out x
Sunday, 16 September 2012
TIP #5
boys don't tell a girl she is hot, that means nothing tell her she is beautiful she will feel special x
Dont Ask.. <<< WATCH WHAT ME AND ELLIE DO IN OUR SPARE TIME (if you want to but its random soooo) xoxox
Saturday, 15 September 2012
right so you know the quote "love is blind?" this is a pic to show it and that you fall in love least expecting it and it will hit you hard, you wont see it coming.
TIP #4
think as yourself as a butterfly elegant yet it was once a caterpillar but forgot about its past and moved on to become an even more wonderful creature...
TIP #2
just remember some people may be smarter,prettier than you but no one in the world can be YOU your unique so never change to be ones perfect :)
Friday, 14 September 2012
TIP #1
never let anyone bring you down no matter what you are your own rainbow with that one special colour in the rainbow which makes you, you
heyyya im back and BTW everyone go and view ellies blog it is amazing!!!! i got the idea from her so go go go go
Thursday, 13 September 2012
byee :( x
hey im about to go to school so see you there ellie ;) wont be blogging for a while have to something after
wards till 5!!! sorry guys i will try to get on ASAP
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